The Mayfly is famous for having the shortest lifespan of any animal. It lives for only a few hours as an adult.
Houseflies live for about 15 to 30 days. They go through several stages quickly in their short lives.
These tiny aquatic creatures live only 2 to 3 days. Despite their short lives, they are very active and fascinating.
Fruit flies live for just 1 to 2 weeks. They are commonly used in scientific studies due to their fast lifecycle.
Male drone bees live for about 5 to 8 weeks. They mate with the queen and then die shortly after.
This salamander lives for about 2 to 3 years. It spends most of its life in the larval stage, which is much longer than as an adult.
Worker termites live for about 1 to 2 years. Their role is to maintain and defend the colony.
Most mosquitoes live for about 2 weeks. Female mosquitoes can live a little longer, but the lifespan is still short.
Some cicada species live only a few weeks. They emerge in huge numbers to mate before dying quickly.
This tiny mammal lives for about 1 to 2 years. Its high metabolism means it has a very short life.