7 Tips to Protect Your Skin from Colours This Holi 2025

Apply Oil to Your Skin

Before playing with colours, apply a thick layer of coconut or olive oil to your skin. It creates a protective barrier, making it easier to remove the colours later.

Use a Sunscreen

Make sure to apply sunscreen with high SPF to your skin before going outside. Sunscreen protects your skin from UV rays and helps prevent the colours from sticking to your skin.

Wear Old Clothes

Wear old clothes that you don’t mind getting stained. Loose and comfortable clothes are ideal to protect your skin from direct contact with harmful colours.

Wear Gloves and Shoes

Protect your hands and feet by wearing gloves and closed shoes. This will prevent colours from coming in direct contact with your skin and nails.

Stay Hydrated

Drink plenty of water before and during Holi. Hydrated skin is less likely to dry out or get irritated from the colours. Keep a water bottle handy!

Use Natural Colours

Whenever possible, opt for natural colours made from flowers, herbs, or vegetables. They are safer and less harsh on the skin than chemical-based colours.

Cleanse Immediately After Playing

After playing, wash your skin with a gentle soap or face wash. Use lukewarm water to remove the colours and avoid scrubbing harshly to prevent skin irritation.